Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Are You A Proactive Parent?

I'm very pregnant in my last trimester with Maya in Nasugbu, Batangas  

If you have been following me on my Instagram account @dharmadreamsbig, you know that I use the hashtag #MindfulMotherhood a lot. When I come across lessons from my little gurus or find a moment that I want to freeze in social media's memory bank, I use it. To remind me that time is more precious than gold because it is fleeting and that my little tots will grow up much sooner than I could imagine.

And then another facet of mothering is Proactive Parenting. I was invited to an event by Hi-Precision Diagnostics to introduce Panorama, one of their latest scientific tools for expecting mothers. 

Hi Precision Diagnostics present Panorama
Ichel Alignay, a Parenting, Relationship and Family Life Specialist spoke about what Proactive Parenting means. Coming from her background, as a mother and a certified pyschologist, she spoke about how each child is different based on temperament, learning style, personality and intelligence. So, we should, as parents, also be responsible in how we raise them uniquely according to their needs. I absolutely agree with her on this and that is why I have chosen Attachment Parenting and Waldorf Education for my children because it makes most sense for our family values and their temperaments.

Mel Ongsue-Lee of Hi-Precision with various experts in the field of Medicine and Psychology

And then came Camille Cyncynatus, who has a PhD in Biochemistry and Microbiology. She spoke about the science behind Panorama which is very new in Asia. Did you know that you can determine a lot about your baby's genetic health in utero by simply drawing from your blood as early as 9 weeks? Pieces of their DNA is found in the placenta and mother's blood which I find so fascinating because I did a lotus birth with Maya (not severing her from her all). 

Dr. Maria Niza Reyes, OB-Gynecologist and Perinatologist talks about the importance of pre-natal screening. For many mothers, being proactive means preparing for the future.

What is Panorama anyway?

Panorama is a non-invasive prenatal screen testing made for women over 35 years old or has had previous history with chromosomal conditions. More and more women are choosing to delay marrying and child-bearing so we have an increase of pregnant mothers in their late 30's onwards which doesn't automatically makes them high risk (as long as they are eating right, exercising, etc.) but these moms have a slightly higher chance of having difficulties in pregnancy and birthing babies with special needs. What are you screening for exactly? Most chromosomal disorders: Down Syndrome, Edward Syndrome, Patau Syndrome, Tuner Syndrome and Triploidy. Instead of doing an Amniocentesis which requires poking a needle into your uterus which may have multiple complications.

"The likelihood that a woman under age 30 who becomes pregnant will have a baby with Down syndrome is less than one in 1,000, but the chance of having a baby with Down Syndrome increases to 1 in 400 for women who become pregnant at age 35. The likelihood of Down Syndrome continues to increase as a woman ages, so that by age 42, the chance is one in 60 that a pregnant woman will have a baby with Down syndrome, and by age 49, the chance is one in 12." 

Watch the video on the benefits of getting Panorama non-invasive prenatal screening here.

Personally, I do not have the reasons to do this since I am below 35 year old and there is no history of chromosomal disorders in my family plus I make it a point to live a healthy life. Others however, are not like me. So, ultimately, it is your personal choice since it is a sensitive and even moral subject to many. Be equipped to deal with the results when you do find out and get help. In the end, it's all about having options. And being prepared is key to parenting - no matter which path you take.

Mommy Bloggers of Manila unite: Christine Dychiao, Me, Em Sulit, Cat Arambulo-Antonio, Jackie Go, Pam Siao and Tin

And for parents who want to take charge in parenting proactively when raising children, I highly recommend attending this workshop at St. Michael Playhouse in Makati :)

Hi Precision Diagnostics
(02) 741-7777

St. Michael Playhouse

Monday, August 3, 2015

6 Medicinal Herbs for Post-Partum Relief

Postpartum goodie set with tinctures, herbs and salves by doula Irina Otmakhova.

My doula Irina makes amazing all-natural tinctures, herbal teas and salves for mothers! Here are some of the products she offers for post-partum mamas.

1. Mother Ease

Mother Ease tinctures

This tincture is prepared with loving intention to easy your postpartum symptoms. Motherwort is the active ingredient in this tincture. The flowering tops, consumed as a tincture, have an affinity for alleviating anxiety and depression, particularly when associated with the hormonal fluctuations associated with the changing times in a woman's life.

Baby blues or sometimes even postpartum depression is a reality for some women postpartum. One way to help the condition is to invoke the herbal remedies. Mother's ease tincture is made of Motherwort, a perennial herb known as the connector herb between the heart, the nervous system and the womb. Motherwort carries us through the transitions in and out of our cycle of mothering. Ideally suited for transition into the motherhood the Mother's Ease tincture eases hormonal transitions and supports a balanced emotional state.

2. Vital-Fire Tincture : This tincture is made specifically for those pesky after birth pains. Cramp Bark is an antispasmodic herb which increases the efficiency of uterine contractions and supports the uterus' ability to contract in a coordinated and effective manner. This is a great tincture for mothers who are planning to breastfeed to relieve those cramps while nursing your sweet new baby.

3. Sitz Bath: This herbal infusion is used topically to sooth the sore or damaged tissues. The healing herbs such as uva-ursi, plantain leaves and lavender blossoms among many others are brewed into a strong “tea”, which then are added to a sitz bath basin. The mama is invited to soak for 20 minutes.

Herbal Sitz Bath

4. Prana Bum Butter: This is great when used topically to soothe sore, swollen or bruised tissues. Also helps with hemorrhoids. The butter is prepared using the healing infused oil mixed with soothing Shea butter and Cocoa butter.
prana bum butter

5. Placenta Pills: Irina also encapsulates the nutritious placenta after birthing!

Placenta Encapsulation: Happy placenta pills
6. Placenta Tincture
A batch of placenta tinctures custom made for three postpartum mamas. Placenta tincture is a constitutional remedy that can be used for the baby throughout her/his life. The placenta contains vitamins, minerals, hormones and stem cells, so it is a good immune system booster.
Placenta Tincture

Are you a post-partum mama?

Postpartum mama in a Rebozo Tuck In Sealing Ceremony
Rebozo tuck-in as part of the Birth Sealing process. The state of pregnancy and birth is associated with expansion - physical, emotional and on the energy level. Once the birth happened it takes a while for the mother's body to come back together. However, it's not only the physical body that needs to shrink back, there are also emotional and energy bodies that require special attention. The Rebozo Tuck-in postpartum ceremony originates in Mexico where traditionally new mothers were wrapped in long scarves along seven energy points (chakras) to seal the birth experience on the energy level. Mothers usually feel reinvigorated and reborn after the procedure.

We are having our next Sacred Postpartum workshop in Beyond Yoga Libis this Saturday, August 8. You may pre-order your medicinal herbs for Irina to take to the event. Email

For more details, please check out poster below or register through