Monday, November 11, 2013

Acupuncture for Pregnancy

Even before finding out I was pregnant, I already had an inkling because of all the clues: my period was already late, I had swelling of breasts, an increase in my sense of smell and NAUSEA. Oh boy, this is something that I definitely do not miss! I was surely positive in my pregnancy test a few days after and had another bout of morning sickness just like I did with my previous pregnancy over 6 years ago.

A co-parent in the Waldorf school mentioned to me that she went to a convent in Panay Ave., Quezon City for acupuncture sessions under Sister Regina Liu to combat morning sickness during her pregnancy. I've heard of this person from other friends because she is known as the fertility acupuncturist, making it possible for couples to have children despite reproductive issues. Read an article here on how acupuncture and moxibustion supports natural fertility.

I am a Yin Yoga teacher, so I also studied the benefits of applying TCM (traditional Chinese Medicine) techniques and the health benefits; removing any blockages in chi and re-balancing the energies in the body. I've tried acupuncture before with Dr. Kit Navarro from St. Luke's (who also happens to be a Yin Yoga teacher now at Beyond Yoga and Yoga for Life) but I was curious and wanted to meet the famous Sister Regina who seems to be a pro in reproductive health.  I booked myself a session and have been going regularly for the health of me and my baby in utero.

Yep, that's me with 8 needles on my head! Painless!

My experience so far has been good that I even convince my friends to come and join me. Sister Regina or one of the trained acupuncturists assesses me each time I come, asks me questions about diet, sleep, looks at my tongue and then starts to insert the needles and adds moxibustion (which the nurse assistant lights up) before leaving the room. The session lasts about 30 minutes at a time. I ALWAYS feel the effects right when the nurse comes back in to remove the needles. It's almost as if I am ready to doze off to sleep and then it ends, hehehe!

Benefits of Acupuncture in the different trimesters of Pregnancy

First trimester - less frequent and shorter periods of nausea, relieves fatigue, migraines and bleeding

Second trimester - alleviate heartburn, hemorrhoids, stress, treat edema, elevated blood sugar, etc.

Third trimester - relief from sciatica, backache, pubic and joint pain, carpal tunnel syndrome
"By 32 to 34 weeks, the acupuncturist should begin to encourage a head-down position,".... "In the last four to six weeks, the mother will receive treatments to normalize and optimize labor."
To book an acupuncture session, you may call 02-3735503. If you do, let me know how it goes for you!


  1. Acupuncture and herbal medicine help women get pregnant more easily through their pregnancy, but mostly they help the fetus to develop harmoniously through the body and metabolism revigorating mother and enhancing its immune functions
    acupuncture in sacramento

  2. Acupuncture works for many health issues during the pregnancy time. It helps to check the health condition of the mother and the developing fetus at different stages of growth.
    acupuncture houston
