Monday, October 28, 2013

The Business of Being Born

Here is the documentary that shifted my perspective on the modern birthing process. We live in an age where birthing in hospitals is considered the norm and any alternative plan would be deemed unsafe by most of society. I am speaking from a Filipina's experience living in Manila. When I voice out that I am considering a homebirth, majority of my family and friends think that I have lost my mind. While I value the expertise of doctors for emergency situations, treating the very sick- It is not necessary for normal, healthy women to birth in hospitals.

Watch and let me know what you think!


  1. Hello! Firstly, thank you for putting up this blog. I saw this blog from the homebirth video of your friend Daniw and checking related sites about it and so here I am. :) I've always considered waterbirth but I am just not aware how or where to connect with. Water birth is still a novel way of giving birth here in the Philippines that it sometimes is hard to actually have someone to assist us with it. Though I've done online research and they said that it is available in Asian Hospital and there are only specific OB-Gynes who would do it.

    I have yet to finish the video (still watching it as I type), but I agree that natural birth should be the first choice just as breastfeeding is to nourish our babies. I've had an almost-natural birth and this time I really would like to check our options of having a water/homebirth too. How exactly do we go about this?

    Thank you so much for your time and your response. :D

  2. I'm 21 weeks pregnant by the way. :D
